Let’s Get Started!

First off, Happy Father’s Day to all of the fathers out there!

Okay time to get into this.

The blog is online! For those that are new to how I do things: I post regularly, updating you on current events, music, and whatever else I feel like writing about. The content of the writing is sporadic and unorganized but I do keep you involved with everything going on. I also engineer at a studio named TruNoyz(www.trunoyz.com) in Fort Lauderdale (hit me up for recording time) so I will be taking pictures and video when I’m over there as well.

<<–Take a second to register for the blog (Click the ‘+’ symbol in the top left corner to open the menu) if you would like to get notified via email when I post something new.

SOO let’s talk Finer Things!!

Finer Things is a new project I am working on. I only have a few tracks completed but I will be letting you know as soon as I figure out the album cover and track list and stuff as well. The first video will likely be released with the first single. That’s going to be a few weeks down the line though.. more details about that will come soon.

OH! I’m also going to be featured in an indie movie named SideKicked! I can’t get into too much detail for now but you will definitely hear more about this in the coming posts.

Sorry I’m so vague for right now but I can’t get too heavily into anything on the second post haha.

Just remember:


Check back for more updates (OR subscribe to the blog!!) about Finer Things.

Thank you everyone for supporting me.


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